Sunday nights lotto draw takes place for a jackpot of €8,200! where the draw in the new Clogher G. A. A. new meeting room! Chairman Tony O'Connor hosted the draw with help from Frank Kelly & former Club treasurer Eamonn Chambers! Again there was no winner of the jackpot which rises to €8,300 for next Sunday nights which will take place in Ballyglass!
5 consolation prizes of €20 won by the following people -
Brian Murphy (online) Alan Dillon (online) Ann Duffy Tommy McGrath Geraldine King
Afterwards a special draw took place for a nite in Ashford Castle while 2 other cash prizes were also on offer! The lucky winner of the top prize was Vinny Duffy! €100 was won by Annette Jordan while €50 was won by Eamonn Walsh. Congrats all!
Ballintubber G.A.A Club are grateful for your continued support and wish you well in any future draws you may enter!