 Where everyone's a winner

Portadown Rugby Football Club

Code of Conduct for Players

I am aware that I am representing Portadown RFC and rugby. I take full responsibility for my actions. I have read this contract with my parent/guardian, understand the guidelines set out below and agree to comply with all aspects detailed below.
I agree to:

  • Keep within the defined boundary of the playing/coaching area.
  • Behave and listen to all instructions from the coaching staff.
  • Take care of equipment owned by the club.
  • Refrain from the use of bad language or racial/sectarian references.
  • Refrain from bullying or persistent use of rough or dangerous play.
  • Show respect to other players and adults
  • Keep myself safe
  • Report inappropriate behaviour to my coach
  • Play fairly and respect the opposition
  • Respect officials and accept decisions
  • Show appropriate loyalty and be gracious in defeat

The Youth and Mini Rugby Conveners reserve the right to suspend players if they do not keep to this signed contract. We hope this will not be necessary.

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