 Where everyone's a winner

O'Dwyers GAA Club Events

Rules & Regulations of this event

Rules & Regulations of this event not limited to:

1) The organising committee maintains the right to refuse admission and to expel participants.

2) It is the responsibility of the attendees to ensure that they maintain a clean environment and clean up their area after the event (removal of tents, pegs etc...)

3) Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an appropriate adult

4) Children can attend with an accompanied appropriate adult. However, if this adult is not a parent of the child then the child in question must have separate and a consent form must be completed and returned for that child to attend

5) Strictly no alcohol will be permitted on the club grounds for this event.
I hereby apply on behalf of my child(ren) named above for him/her to take part in this event
Parent(s)/Guardian(s), for my child;-
● I/we hereby consent to our son/daughter taking part in the above named event
● We/I understand that the personal data on this form will be used by the GAA club and communications concerning this activity and future events in the club.

We understand this application can be withdrawn in writing, up to a week before the event. The information gathered in this form is for the purposes as set out below:
▪ To register your child’s details with our GAA Club for membership and insurance purposes, and to ensure that such details are accurate and - up-to-date.
▪ To allow us to update you on activities in which your child may be engaged and other club related
▪ To allow us, should the need arise, to provide medical details to medical professionals.

General Consent

1. I/We agree to adhere to the O’Dwyers camp our rules and regulations as set out in this document Yes/No Circle as applicable

2. I/We give permission and consent that photographs may be taken for club promotional and record purposes during activities which may include your child? Yes/ No Circle as applicable

Medical Consent

I/We understand that, in the event of my/our child requiring medical attention, all reasonable efforts will be made to contact me/us (or the Alternative Emergency Contact if I/we are uncontactable) at the contact numbers provided on this form. YES/NO Circle as applicable In the event of my/our child being taken ill or injured during the period of this consent, I/we hereby consent to any necessary emergency dental treatment that may be necessary in a situation where I/we cannot be contacted for the purposes of giving consent at the time of treatment. YES/NO circle as applicable

I/We hereby authorise the Camp out organisers to communicate our consent to any treating medical/dental practitioner. YES/NO circle as applicable.

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