 Where everyone's a winner

Ballinderreen Camogie Club

Code of conduct for parents and players

Code of Conduct for Parents, Players & Coaches

Ballinderreen Camogie Club Code of Conduct for Parents and Players

PARENTS / GUARDIANS should encourage their child to:

  • Play by the rules.
  • Improve their skills levels.
  • Appreciate everybody on their team, regardless of ability. 

PARENTS / GUARDIANS must lead by example and must:

  • Respect all coaches, mentors, officials and opponents  
  • Respect officials’ decisions and encourage children to do likewise.
  • Not exert undue pressure on your child.
  • Never admonish your own child or any other child for their standard of play.
  • Be realistic in their expectations.
  • Show approval for effort, not just results.
  • Never embarrass a child or use sarcastic remarks towards a player.
  • Applaud good play from all teams.
  • Not seek to unfairly affect a game or player.
  • Not enter the field of play or play area unless invited to do so by an official in charge.


  • Complete and return the registration/permission and medical consent forms for their child’s participation.
  • Ensure that their child punctually attends coaching sessions/games or other activities.
  • Provide their child with proper clothing and equipment.
  • Listen to what young people have to say.
  • Show approval whether the team wins, loses or draws a game.
  • Never attempt to meet their own needs and aspirations for success and achievement
  • through their children’s participation in games.

PLAYERS must always:

  • Play fairly, do their best and enjoy themselves.
  • Respect fellow team members regardless of ability, ethnic origin, cultural background or religion.
  • Support fellow team members whether they do well or not so well.
  • Represent their team, their club and their family with pride and dignity.
  • Respect all coaches, mentors, officials and their opponents.
  • Be gracious in defeat and modest in victory.
  • Shake hands before and after the game irrespective of the result.
  • Inform their coach/mentor/manager when they are unavailable for training and games.
  • Talk to the Club Children’s Officer with any concerns or questions they may have.
  • Adhere to acceptable standards of behaviour and their Club’s Code of Discipline.
  • Tell somebody else if they or others have been harmed in any way.
  • Take due care of club equipment.

PLAYERS must not:

  • Cheat – always play by the rules.
  • Shout at or argue with an official, team mates or opponents or use violence.
  • Use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage or isolate other players.
  • Spread rumours.
  • Tell lies about adults or other young people.
  • Play or train if they feel unwell or are injured.
  • Use unacceptable language or racial and/or sectarian references.


Ballinderreen Camogie Club Code of Conduct for Coaches


• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person.

• Treat each person equally regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnic origin, cultural background or religion.

• Be positive during coaching sessions, games and other activities.

• Recognise the development needs and capacity of all underage players, regardless of their ability, by emphasising participation for all while avoiding excessive training and competition.

• Recognise that skills development and personal satisfaction should have priority over competition when working with underage players.

• Ensure all those eligible to participate in any team within the Club are provided with an opportunity to do so with preference given to playing in their own age group.

• Develop an understanding of relevant coaching methods and ensure that they have the appropriate level of coaching accreditation.

• Do not equate losing with failure and do not develop a preoccupation with medals and trophies. The level of improvement made by underage players is the best indicator of effective coaching.


• Never use foul language or provocative language/gestures towards any player, fellow coach, match official or supporter.

• Only enter the field of play with the referee’s permission.

• Do not question a referee’s decisions or integrity.

• Encourage players to respect and accept the judgement of match officials.

• Promote Fair Play and encourage all players and fellow officials to always play by the rules of the game.

• Do not encourage or threaten a player by deed or gesture to act in any unacceptable manner towards, a fellow player, coach or official.

• Promote the RESPECT campaign amongst your players, fellow coaches, parents and supporters.

• Do not smoke while working with underage players.

• Do not consume alcohol or non-prescribed drugs immediately prior to or while underage players are in your care.

• Encourage parents to become involved in your team and Club activities wherever possible.


• Develop an appropriate working relationship with children based on mutual trust and respect.

• Challenge Bullying in any form whether physical or emotional. Bullying is not acceptable behaviour be it from a young person, coach, parent/guardian, spectator or match official.

• Do not shout at or lecture players or reprimand/ridicule them when they make a mistake. Children learn best through trial and error. Children and young people should not be afraid to risk error so as to learn.

• Never engage in the use of physical interventions as a form of response to misbehaviour, unless it is necessary by way of restraint.

• Avoid incidents of horse play or role play or telling jokes etc. that could be misinterpreted.

• Never undertake any form of therapy or hypnosis with children.

• Never encourage players to consume non-prescribed drugs or take performance enhancing supplements.

• Do not make energy enhancing products available to children.

• Never use racial and/or sectarian or homophobic references towards another coach, player, official or supporter by words, deeds or gestures.


(Adapted from the Joint Code of Behaviour for Camogie, GAA, Ladies’ Football,
Rounders and Handball)


Important Club Contacts for 2022

Child Welfare

Nicola Cooke, Contact details: 086 8328295, Email: childrensofficer.ballinderreen.galway@camogie.ie


Designated Liaison Person

Daragh Moloney, Contact details: 086 8568537, Email: Secretary.ballinderreen.galway@camogie.ie



Daragh Moloney, Contact details: 086 8568537, Email: Secretary.ballinderreen.galway@camogie.ie


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