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Peake Villa FC

Code of Conduct

Code for Players - As a registered player of the Club, I agree to the following:

  • To play by the rules
  • To never argue with an official. If I disagree, to have my captain, coach, or manager approach the official during the break, or after the match
  • Control my temper. I accept that verbal abuse of officials and other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviors in the Club
  • To be a good sport, applaud good play made by either my team or the opposition
  • To treat all players and team mates as I would like to be treated
  • I will co-operate with my coach, team mates and the officials of the club
  • To respect the rights, dignity and well-being of all participants regardless of their gender, cultural background, ability, or religion
  • If I have concerns to talk to my coach or to a member of the committee.

Code for Parents - As a parent or guardian of a registered player of the Club, I agree to the following:

  • To remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment, not mine
  • To encourage children to participate, not force them
  • To focus on the child’s participation, and not on winning and losing
  • To encourage children to always play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence
  • To never ridicule or shout at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition
  • To remember that children are led by example
  • To support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities
  • To respect the officials’ decisions and teach children to do likewise
  • To show appreciation for volunteer coaches and officials
  • To respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, cultural background, ability, or religion
  • If I have any issues to do with my child, I will discuss with their manager or a committee member
  • Not to discuss other players in public
  • To support my child’s manager, and be proud of my child’s progress at all times
  • To support the club in the long-term football development of my child
  • To ensure my child is dropped to and collected from club training and activities at the agreed time.

Important Information:
I give consent for my child to participate in Peake Villa Football Club’s activities and events, to travel to away matches and accept that it is my responsibility to inform the Team Manager directly of any special needs and requirements for my child.  I hereby give consent for photographs, Video and images of my child to be taken and used for solely for team coaching or club purposes including publication on the Official Peake Villa FC Website or Facebook Page.

The details you provide on this form will be used and stored by the club and may also be shared with affiliated bodies of TSSDL, SFAI and FAI for purposes of your child’s participation in all football related activity. Your data will be stored in compliance with the Data Protection Acts and will not be shared with any other body or organization without your consent unless such sharing of information is necessary for your child’s participation in football competitions and activities.

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