 Where everyone's a winner

Click here for details on available Cobh LGFA Registrations.


Data Protection

I have read the important Data Protection information on the reverse of this form and have given my consent, by ticking the boxes and signing below, for my information to be used as follows:

(1) To provide me with updates regarding Club activities such as matches, meetings and club events
(2) To provide me with details of Club fundraising activities including Lotto, social occasions, ticket sales etc.
(3) I am aware that my photograph or video image may be taken whilst attending or participating in games or activities connected with the LGFA and I consent
to it being used by the LGFA for items like match programmes, year books, match reports, event reports or on websites or social media channels associated
with the LGFA.
(4) To contact me in relation to volunteering opportunities at LGFA events and activities
(5) I/We have read the code of conduct of Ladies Football Club and undertake to the further aims and objectives of the Club and The Ladies Football
(6) I/We give approval for the named Child(ren) to travel on any organised transport by the club to match’s, training or any other club organised event.
I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time by writing to the [Club or the LGFA].
I understand my rights under Data Protection legislation, as outlined on the reverse of this form

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 Managing Member Data