 Where everyone's a winner

Click here for details on available Arlington AFC Registrations.

Arlington AFC

Parental Consent

  1. To be bound by and to observe the FAI Codes of Conduct and Ethics.
  2. You and your child also agree to abide by the rules of Arlington AFC and the KDUL.
  3. That the club and/or league, or its representatives, may video and/or photograph my child/children whilst playing, training or competing under the jurisdiction of the KDUL. Also that any photograph/video may be used by club/league websites and/or in local/national papers/brochures to promote the club/league.
  4. In the event that my child is injured whilst playing football and/or travelling to and from football events, and I cannot be contacted in an emergency on the numbers provided, I hereby give my consent for my child to receive medical attention.
  5. By signing this form I agree to bear the excess cost of €150 of any accident claim. e.g. Taking a child to an E. R. incurs a charge less than our excess and will not be refunded by the club.
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