Mid Ulster youth League PDP
Parent/Carer Statement
The contact details given should those of the parent/carer and if clubs believe they need the contact details of any young person they should make that explicate and clarify the reasoning behind wanting direct communication with young people. Parents’ mobile should still be sought in this case as they need to be informed of any change of plans as well as the young person. PARENT/CARER STATEMENT I will inform the coaches/designated safeguarding children officer of any important changes to my child’s health, medication or needs and also of any changes to our address or phone numbers given. In the event of illness, having parental responsibility for the above named child, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider, or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child should require emergency hospital treatment, I authorise a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication. I have been made aware that MUYL PDP has developed a Safeguarding policy and they are commitment to ensuring the safety of my child by having: - A Coach’s Code of Conduct
- Clear Recruitment Policy which includes vetting all coaches and volunteers
- A Transport Policy
- A Photography Policy
- An Anti-bulling Policy
- Disciplinary Procedures
- A designated safeguarding children officer
The MUYL PDP is committed to ensuring that any information gathered in relation to our youth teams meets the specific responsibilities as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. The MUYL PDP coach/development officer will store the above information on their youth team’s data base for a maximum of 12 months before re-registering the athlete/player if still associated with the club. I confirm that all details are correct to the best of my knowledge and I am able to give parental consent* for my child to participate in and travel to all activities. By returning this completed form, I agree to my son/daughter/child in my care taking part in the activities of the club. I understand that I will be kept informed of these activities – for example timing and transport details. I understand in the event of injury or illness all reasonable steps will be taken to contact me, and to deal with that injury/illness appropriately.