 Where everyone's a winner

Regional United FC

Indemnity Notice


Indemnity Notice (please read this)

In consideration of this registration, I, the parent/guardian of the registered player(s) hereby indemnify Regional United Soccer Club, its trustees, officers, committee and all of its members and players against claims, actions, costs, expenses and losses of any nature whatsoever or howsoever arising from any accident sustained by or caused or arising out of the participation of the registered player(s) in the training sessions, games, transport to and from same, undertaking and all activities of the said Regional United Football Club. I the parent/guardian, herby irrevocably consent to the participation of the player(s) in all activities of the said Regional United Football Club. I the parent/guardian confirm that the player(s), as member(s) of Regional United Football Club accept the membership of the club and agree to comply with the laws of the game of soccer and the rules and regulations for the time being in force as laid down by the Limerick District Schoolboys League, the Limerick District and Minor Council, the League of Ireland, the Football Association of Ireland or any bodies or organisations laying down the rules or regulations for the participation in the activities of Regional United Football Club.

Child Welfare Officer
Name: Nichola English
email: nicholaenglish@gmail.com

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