 Where everyone's a winner

Galway City Harriers

GCH Parent/Guardian Guidelines and Consent Form


Parental/Guardian Consent:

  •  I wish to enroll the above-named children/youths as members of Galway City Harriers Juvenile Club.
  • In the event of an emergency and I cannot be contacted, I give my permission for the above-named to be brought to a suitably qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication.
  • I understand that photographs/videos will be taken during or at events in which the club participates and may be used for the sole purpose of promoting athletics.
  • I understand that children are to be dropped to the GCH training shed beside the track and collected at the same place and that they are not allowed to go outside the track enclosure during or after athletics unless accompanied by their parent.
  • I understand that parents/guardians and athletes must abide by Galway City Harriers code of conduct available at www.galwaycityharriers.com

Galway City Harriers Guidelines for Parents

  • Be a role model for your child and maintain the highest standards of conduct when interacting with children, other parents, with officials and organizers.
  • Always behave responsibly and do not seek to unfairly affect the competition or training your child is participating in.
  • Never intentionally expose any young participant to embarrassment or disparagement by the use of flippant or sarcastic remarks.
  • Always recognize the value and importance of the volunteers who engage in sporting/recreational opportunities for your child. Do not publicly question the judgment or honesty of officials, coaches, organizers, or other athletes.
  • Encourage your child to participate within the rules. Teach your child that honest endeavor is as important as winning and to do all they can to encourage good sportsmanship.
  • Set a good example by applauding other participants.  Encourage mutual respect for individual competitors, teammates and all participants in specific events.
  • Parents should support all efforts to remove abusive behavior and bullying behavior in all its forms.
  • Parents should never be seen to actively coach their child during competition either inside or outside of the track or cross-country course.
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