Galway City Harriers
GCH Juvenile Training Guidelines
Hours of Training: Sunday: 10.30-12.00 Age 7 + (attained 7 years of age prior to starting training) Friday: 19.00-20.30 Age 9+ Parents/Guardians are requested to arrive at track for collection of athletes 15 mins prior to the end of all training sessions.
Note: An indoor session takes place on Friday nights from November to March in the Pavilion for children aged 9 to 11 years. Juvenile Section Registration for Membership - Registration Fee €95 for one member, €150 for two, €200 for 3 or more. Renewable annually and covers period January to December. All children training must be registered members of the Club.
- Membership must be renewed annually and fees paid on time.
- New members must provide a copy of their Birth Certificate/Current Passport in order to register.
- Spikes are not suitable for training on a regular basis. They are only required for competition but not necessary. Sometimes track conditions require spikes for the older age groups. Should the children wish to bring them training, they will be worn only on instruction of the coach. Club vests must be worn in competition.
- It is the Parent/Legal Guardian’s responsibility to inform the team Coach/Trainer or Volunteer of any medical conditions or special needs their child might have.
Punctuality of Arrival and Collection - Punctuality is of vital importance to the child because if he/she arrives late, then the proper warm-up has been missed and the child may risk injury.
- For safety reasons the parent/guardian must be on site for collection of their child at the aforementioned times. On occasion, nearing competition, the sessions may slightly over-run the allotted times.
- Children who train on the right hand side of the track, must be brought to the sign-in desk and collected there by an adult. Their parents/ guardians if not waiting for the session must ensure that we have emergency contact numbers.
- Parents/ Guardian must agree to be included in a rota of adults who bring children to the toilet facilities
Illness/Injury Should, at any time, a child suffer from an illness or injury it is best advised that he/she does not attend the training session until a full recovery has been reached Should the child attend and is deemed unfit for training the coach will have no option but to arrange to have him/her collected immediately. Therefore, we ask that your contact number is reachable in an emergency. Should an injury/illness occur while training and the coach thinks it unwise to continue a call will be placed to the parent to arrange collection. Behaviour A Code of Conduct for all members, coaches and parents is available and must be adhered to. Club Updates Our Facebook page, Galway City Harriers Juvenile is updated on a regular basis and will keep you informed on forthcoming competitions, amendments to training, latest results, fees and any other relevant new data. Other Club Behaviour Rules: - Chewing gum is not allowed inside the gate of the track.
- In order to maintain the surface of the track sliding is not permitted.
- Footballs/sliotars are not permitted onto track while training or competition is in progress.
- Decisions will be taken by the Coach/Leader regarding teams, relays, order of participation, etc. and must be respected.
- In the event of a breach of club behavior/guidelines a disciplinary action may be taken and a verbal warning will be issued followed by a written warning. In the event of non-compliance, further action leading to suspension will be pursued.
- If the complaint involves suspected abuse or criminal offence the Children’s Officer will be informed.
- GCH has a child protection policy in line with that of Athletics Ireland and the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport