 Where everyone's a winner

Glenbeigh Falcons Basketball Club

Glenbeigh Falcons BC Personal Data

Personal Data

I understand that it is necessary for Glenbeigh Falcons Basketball Club (‘the Club’) to collect and record the personal data from this form (‘Personal Data’) for the contractual purpose of registration and maintaining my membership with the Club .I understand that the Personal Data may be shared with KABB, and Basketball Ireland from time to time and that the club and the KABB are all Data Controllers.
I understand that the Personal Data will be retained by Glenbeigh Falcons Basketball Club for the duration of the membership and in line with the Club Retention Policy.
I further understand that I have rights regarding the processing of my Personal Data including the right to
1). request in writing a copy of my Personal Data which the Club holds 2). amend any information which is incorrect and 3). to apply to have my Personal Data erased. I can also confirm that I have been given the opportunity to consult further relevant information concerning my data protection rights at www. dataprotection.ie. I am aware of all my Data Protection Rights and have given my consent by ticking the boxes and signing below, for my information to be used as follows:

I consent for the club to contact me with updates by text or in WhatsApp groups regarding the club and including but not limited to activities such as match details, fundraising, ticket sales, meetings and events.

I am aware that my photograph or video image may be taken whilst attending or participating in games or activities connected with the Club and I consent to it being used by the Club for match programmes, year books, match reports, event reports or on the Club website or Social Media channels.

I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time by writing to the club.

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 Managing Member Data