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Mullagh GAA Club
Mullagh, Galway
Mullagh GAA Club
Mullagh GAA Club
Mullagh, Galway
Mullagh GAA Club
Mullagh ,
Galway, Ireland.
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Mullagh GAA Club
April 8 2013
Know Your Score Competition 2013
Have you entered the Know Your Score competition yet?
How much do you know about hurling?
Pit yourself against your family and friends and see how far you can get in our competition.
Our competition is based on the Senior and Intermediate Hurling championships 2013. Pick 10 teams from our groups, send in your ticket and sit back and let us do the rest. Every time your teams score so do you. The winner is the person with the highers points total after the county finals. Simple as that. You can play online or get tickets from our club committee members and players.
Closing date is end April (before championship starts), so get you entries in and don't miss the chance to brag to your family and friends.