 Where everyone's a winner

Sarsfields & Glanmire Lotto Lotto

Welcome to the official Lotto and payment processing website of Sarsfields & Glanmire Lotto in Co. Cork.  The Sarsfields & Glanmire Lotto draws which run on a weekly basis play a huge part in the fund raising efforts of both GAA Clubs in Glanmire area.


We encourage all of our ex members and community to play the Sarsfields & Glanmire fundraising lotto.  We also hope that we can all work together to promote this lotto and help get back in touch with people from Glanmire who may now be living all over the world.



To play, any four numbers are selected from 1 to 28. If anybody matches the four numbers selected on the night he/she wins or shares the Jackpot. Tickets cost €2 each and if playing online the minimum you can play for is €10. Note that we are offering up to 8 weeks of the lottery FREE to you if you sign up online.


Once we reach 100 members online then we will have additional competitions such as lucky dips, giving you a futher chance to win money.


Your continued support is much appreciated and we wish you good luck in future draws.





Best of Luck,

The Fundraising Committee

Sarsfields & Glanmire Lotto



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