 Where everyone's a winner

Éire Óg Greystones

Draw Details for April 14 2014

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 8,400.00 0
Match 3
Match 3 numbers to win/share.    
€ 3.00 0

Welcome to this week´s ezine.

LOTTO DRAW: The winning numbers from last night's lotto were 1,2,4 and 6. There was no overall winner, although Russell Lincoln and Michael Cawley matched three numbers and shared €200. This means that the jackpot rolls over to €8,600. Our weekly lotto is the lifeblood of the club, so please support. It is also a great opportunity for emigrants to support their home club. So far we´ve had sign ups from Spain and the UK. Tickets are just €2.

ADULT MEMBERSHIP: There are still a large number of adult players whose membership is now OVERDUE. Please pay on-line at www.eireoggreystones.com or give to a team mentor. Remember, this is your club, and without adequate resources, it can´t continue. 

NEW U12 FOOTBALL FORMAT: A new innovative competition involving two 11-a-side U12 teams kicked off last week when we  took on Bray Emmets. The purpose of the new format is to ensure that sideline time for all players is kept to a minimum. Possession is limited to 2 plays of the ball (1 hop, 1 solo). This makes for a free- flowing game and helps to prevent the games being over-dominated by the stronger players. See some photos of them lads in action at http://on.fb.me/1p7ptq8 and click on the link at the bottom of page to see how they got on. 

UPCOMING ADULT FIXTURES: Adult football: 15 Apr, 7:45 Div 1A League, Eire Og V Newtown.  20th Apr. 11:30 Coolkenno v Eire Og. Division 4: 17 April, 7:15 Eire Og v Kilmac. 

UPCOMING JUVENILE FIXTURES: Minor Football: 20 Mar:11 am Rathnew v Eire Og. For rest of junvile fixtures, click here

COUNTY DEVELOPMENT DRAW: Tickets are now on sale of the Wicklow County Board's fundraising draw. A Ticket which covers 3 Draws costs €50. Each Draw has 1st Prize of €10,000, 2nd €5,000, 3rd €2,500, 4th €1,500, 5th €1,000 and 15 prizes of €10 each. The Draws will be held on 25 April, 16, May and 20 June. Tickets available from committee members or at http://www.wicklowgaaonline.com

Yours in Sport, Daniel English, Club Secretary 


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