 Where everyone's a winner

Éire Óg Greystones

Draw Details for June 8 2015

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 4,000.00 0
Match 3
Match 3 numbers to win/share.    
to be confirmed 0

Welcome to this week's club news

CUL CAMPS 2015: Agreed by the knowledgeable in the subject of summer camps to be amongst the best organised and the best value of those on offer. As per usual, two of the Kelloggs Cúl Camps are being held in Greystones this summer. Football: 6-10 July; Hurling/Camogie: 13-17 July. Cost for first child: €55; €40 for other children. Bookings: www.eireoggreystones.com/cul-camps-2015

BAG-PACK Éire Óg are holding a bag-pack in Tesco on this Friday 19th (5-9pm) and Saturday 20th (11am-9pm). The organisers are looking for children from 12 years upwards and for adult supervisors. Are you willing to help? Contact Daniel on 086-3544954

WEEKLY LOTTO: The winning numbers for last week’s (8th) were 1,4,13,28. Nobody matched all 3 numbers to this week’s jackpot is €4,200. Tickets are just €2 and are available at www.eireoggreystonestones.com

PEIL Our senior team took another important step towards Div 1A League honours with a convincing win over Blessington. Victory was on the cards early on as we led 0-10 to 0-1 at half-time. Our scoring was less prolific in the 2nd period as the opposition resorted to a blanket defence. Éire Óg's final tally was 1-12 with the goal being scored by Daniel Webb from a penalty resulting from a foul on Billy Cuddihy. Eoin McHugh, Seán Horan, Andrew Walsh, Sam Thompson and John Deeney were the stand-out players for Éire Óg.

Yours in sport, 

Daniel English, club secretary 

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