Jackpot + Bonus Match 4 numbers + the bonus to win/share.
€ 7,350.00
Match 4 Match 4 numbers to win/share.
€ 2,200.00
Match 3 Match 3 numbers to win/share.
€ 200.00
Match 4 + Bonus: No Winner Match 4 : No Winner Match 3 : 1 Winner.
Ita Kavanagh.
Christmas Turkey winners for this week were
Johnny Crosby Ciaran Fox
Carbury GAA AGM takes place at 8 pm on Wednesday 4 December 2013.
Saturday 7 December : Under 13 and Under 14 awards night followed by Vincent Hanley memorial table quiz in aid of under age section
Carbury GAA Christmas draw. takes place on 14 December 2013. Tickets 20 euro available from any committee member First prize 5000, euro Second prize 1500 euro 3rd prize 1000 euro 5 prizes of 200 euro 10 prizes of 100 euro
December 15: Santa comes to Carbury GAA followed by music by Elvis