 Where everyone's a winner

St. Michael's Rowing Club (SMRC) Events and Draws - click here for ticket details.
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St. Michael's Rowing Club (SMRC)

Draw Details for September 30 2024

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 1,500.00 0

This week's lotto numers are

12, 24, 23, 5

Good luck everyone and thank you for playing.

Head of the River 2024:

Our anual Head of the River takes place on October 11th at O'Brien's Bridge. We need YOUR help please. Let Brian McInerney or Kevin O’Connor know what you can do. As you know we cannot host our biggest day of the year without you our volunteers turning out en masse.

Thanks in advance.


Notice of Annual General Meeting for St. Michael’s Sporting Club (aka St. Michael’s Rowing Club)

When: Thursday 17th October 2024 @ 1930 hrs

Where: The Clubhouse, O’Callaghan’s Strand, Limerick

Dear Members, Parents and Guardians,

You are invited to attend the 2024 AGM of St. Michael’s Sporting Club on the above date. Election of the officers and committee of the club, voting on any proposed changes to the club rules and other resolutions will take place on the night. All members are entitled to attend but only Full 2024/25 members and Junior members who have attained the age of 16 at the time of the AGM shall be entitled to vote. Please ensure you have paid your membership subscription (except Life and Honorary Life members) before attending the AGM.

Any proposed changes to the Club Rules (new rule, rule amendment, rule rescinded) must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary by Thursday 26th September. (Club Rules are available to view on www.smrc.ie)

Nominations for President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and six Committee members must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary in writing on or before Thursday 3rd October

Any resolution to be moved at the AGM must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary on or before the Thursday 3rd October.

All rule changes, officer and committee nominations and resolutions must have a proposer and seconder both of whom must be Full 2024/25 members.

The Honorary Secretary’s email is stmichaelsrcsecretary@gmail.com.

This year we will have significant rollover of club officers and committee members with the positions of President, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary and several committee positions open. It is incumbent on the membership to ensure there are sufficient nominations for open positions on the committee so please discuss with other club members and consider what you are prepared to do yourself. Any full member can propose another member for committee with their permission and obtain a seconder for a nomination to be valid. We are a volunteer led club and we rely on members to come forward to take on committee roles. I look forward to seeing you on the night of the AGM.

Declan Hartnett,


Our Lotto supports rowers and we need your best efforts please. Thank you to all our new and returning players and please encourage a friend to play too...

The Jackpot Prize is €1,500 and is kindly sponsored by our generous friends at Bowe Dental Clinic.


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