Newtown Blues GFC
Draw Details for August 21 2018
Prize |
Value |
Winners |
Jackpot Match 4 numbers to win/share. |
€ 4,600.00 |
0 |
Lotto no's 01-11-18-25 drawn on Tues. 21st Aug.
No winner. Next weeks Lotto €4,700 on Tues. 28th.
€25 winners Tom Duff. Jimmy Byrne. Damian Stone. Joe Kelly. Margaret Dyas
Well done to our U11 Boys & Girls that had a great day of football onSaturday at the annual Gerry Morgan Tournament in the O'Raghallaigh's winning the Cup in a great final contest against Baile Talún. Thanks to Shane & Paul for their commitment with this team.
Mon. 27th Aug.
U13 V St. Joseph's @7pm HOME
U9 Boys & Girls @7pm AWAY in Hunterstown
U14 Girls V O’Raghallaigh’s @7pm AWAY
Wed. 29th Aug.
U8’s Boys & Girls All county blitz @6.45pm in DArver- TBC
U16 Girls V Glen Emmetts @7pm AWAY
Thurs. 30th Aug.
U13 Boys V Cuchulainn Gaels @7pm AWAY
U12 Girls V St. Kevins @6.30pm HOME
Cardinal O’Donnell Semi Final
Senior Men V Mattock Rangers @8pm HOME
Fri. 31st Aug.
U15 Boys V Oliver Plunketts @7pm AWAY
U11 Boys & Girls All county blitz @6.45pm in DArver- TBC- CHECK
Sat. 1st Sept.
U10 Girls blitz AWAY in Kilkerley @TBC
Sun. 2nd Sept.
U8 Boys & Girls Blitz @11am AWAY in Stabannon
Mon. 3rd Sept.
U10 Boys & Girls @7pm AWAY in Dreadnots
U14 Girls V St. Fechins @7pm AWAY