NO WINNERS 4 prize winners Marie Fallon €20 Tricia Dodrill €20 Sean Killalee €20 Des Poole & Family €20 on line prize winner Robert Quinn €20
From: eilish uilongain Subject: club notes To: Date: Sunday, 16 June, 2013, 23:26
Inter footballers beat Monicas in the league on Wednesday night but lost to sylvesters by three points in their league game on Saturday. . Junior seven footballers had a good win Our u/14 hurlers had a great win in the top of the table clash with Naomh Mearnóg well done lads. There were also good wins for our u/ 13's and our u/11's. Well done to all concerned ! Some fixtures for the coming week - junior D hurling championship Barrs v Faughs J.P.P Thursday 7. 30 Senior hurling Barrs v Erins Isle Finglas Saturday 6 30. Camogie(Senior) Tuesday Barrs v Good counsel 7 30 J.P.P. Executive meeting on Thursday next at 8oc Juvenile meeting Tuesday 9oc. Festival meeting Monday 7 45 . Music in lounge every week-end see notice board for details. Carvery every Sunday. We would like to extend our sincere sympathy to Terry Mc keogh and family on the sad passing of a loving dad and grandad We also wish to extend our sympathy to the Cashell family on the sad passing of Mary a beloved wife. mother and grandmother. Go ndéanadh Dia trócaire ar a anamacha usail.