Mixed bag of results this week-end for club. Our senior hurlers went down to Naomh Jude by four points after a very well contested game in the "Bogies"on Saturday night last. On a happier note our minors had a good win in the first round of the championship while their were also good wins for our u/14's u/15's and u/16s in their respective leagues . Well done to all. Our first junior football team play Ballyboden in the championship final on Sunday next. We would ask you to come out and give the lads your support. Executive meeting on Thursday night 8oc Juvenile meeting on Tuesday night 9oc. Music in clubhouse every week-end see notice board for details. Carvery every Sunday. Tickets for the annual Christmas draw available in club 100 euro each. Lotto numbers this week 5, 8, 12 no winner next weeks lotto is €3,000.