We would like to thank on t-uachtaráin cuman na luath chleas gael Liam ó Néil for his visit to our club and for performing the opening of our Festival Week . Míle buíochais a Liam as ucht do cúirt agus an t-am a chait tú linn ag baladh le muintir an club agus muintir an ceanntar. Go maire tú! We would also like to thank the Artane band for the great music they provided both at the parade and in the "Bpggies"We would also like to thank the Gaelic Chapter Ireland (bikers) and the vintage car owners for participating in the parade . They really looked spectacular. We would also like to thank our teams and mentors for their great turnout. A video link with our players who have emigrated in recent times was held in the club on Saturday night and we would like to say a big go raibh máith agaibh to the lads who took part from countries as faraway as Austrailia , Lebanon . Some important games are taking place this week on Tuesday night our junior hurlers play Naomh Maur Rush in the championship quarter final at 7.15pm in Rush while our 2nd junior hurling side are facing Cuala away in championship relegation battle. Our u/15s footballers play O Tooles in the "Bogies"at 7.15pm. A win for our lads will mean they win the league. All support welcome. On Wednesday night our senior hurlers are away to Na Fianna in the league.at 7.15pm. Don't forget our family night at the dogs on Friday night tickets available from Gerry Kehoe. Saturday morning on the Royal canal the rubber duck race takes place. Sponsor a duck for 5 euro cash prizes for winner and runners up . Festival ends with field day on Sunday in club grounds. Definetly an event not to be missed. Lotto numbers this week are 14, 15, 21, next weeks lotto €1,600. We would ask all members to vote for Tony Broughan for Dublin's Best Supporter. To do this log on to Hill 16 Website.