Brilliant end to a great Festival Week with our Junior Footballers winning the junior 7 final after a win over Ballymun Kickhams in the "Bogies". Congratulations to all concerned a great tribute to "Gozzie" who played with this team up until his untimely death. Our senior footballers game ended in a draw. It was a game we should have won but let a good lead slip. The field day was held in the Club grounds and there was a great attendance with fun and games for everyone. We would like to thank everyone who helped out throughout the week and with the field day on Sunday. We got great support from our own members and from members of our community. We deeply appreciate the effort that was put in by all. Congratulations to Dublin under 21 hurlers on reaching the all Ireland final good luck to the Minor and Senior footballers next Sunday. Executive meeting on Thursday next 8.00p.m. Juvenile meeting on Tuesday at 9.00p.m. Music in the club every week-end see notice board for details. Carvery every Sunday. Lotto numbers this week 15, 25, 27 no winner next weeks lotto €2,600.