Headford GAA Club
Draw Details for June 3 2007
Prize |
Value |
Winners |
Jackpot Match 4 numbers to win/share. |
€ 8,150.00 |
0 |
Match 3 Match 3 numbers to win/share. |
€ 20.00 [ * ] |
9 |
Last weeks draw took place in Murphy's Bar in Kilbeg.
We had No Jackpot Winner.
We had 9 Match 3 Winners who each get €20 they were,
Pat Fahyc/o OPW Headford
Marion Hannon, Cloughanover, Headford
Ann Concannon, Deerkpark, Headford.
Thomas Carton, Rosscahill.
Catherine Conroy, Main St, Headford.
Ray Moylan, Liss, Headford.
John Higgins, Caltra.
Michael Forde Keernaun, Headford Mary Canavan, Corrandulla.
Promoters Prize went to Eugine Kenny
Please Note
The prize amounts above are what each winner will receive.
All prizes amounts that are followed by these symbols [ * ] are estimated, the actual prize amount has yet to be confirmed.