 Where everyone's a winner

Maynooth GAA Club

Draw Details for April 6 2017

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 1,000.00 [ * ] 0

Thank you again for your continued support of the MAYNOOTH GAA CLUB LOTTO. In supporting our club lotto, you are helping raise much needed funds for the club – your generosity in this respect is, as always, most welcome and greatly appreciated.

Did you know that we are hosting an Easter Camp? Just follow this link to get registered: http://bit.ly/2nvprfV Alternatively, you can simply register through our website. Get the kids active this Easter with Maynooth GAA! 

Also we are having our "Maynooth Oskars" Wrap Party on Thursday the 13th of April at 9pm at Maynooth GAA.

Wrap party. noun. a party held for cast and crew to celebrate the completion of filming of a motion picture or television programme. Open to all, the more the merrier!

Please Note

All prizes amounts that are followed by these symbols [ * ] are estimated, the actual prize amount has yet to be confirmed.

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