 Where everyone's a winner

Newcastle West Golf Club (NCWGC)

Draw Details for June 30 2014

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 7,000.00 0

There was no winner of this week’s Lotto Jackpot.  

Numbers drawn were 7,18,20,28

Jackpot €7,000

No Winner

Bonus Draw  €700

Numbers drawn


No Winner

Thank you for supporting the Lotto and the best of luck in next week's draw.  Remember, if you’re not in you can’t win so ensure you never miss another draw by clicking the link below https://www.locallotto.ie/play.asp?Clb=1&LL_ID=246&PC=0 

and select auto renew.

Congratulations to all this week’s winners.

Seller’s Prize €50

Brendan McCartan

Lucky Dips €40

Mary Judge  c/o Brendan McCartan

Denis Greaney

Denis Noonan NCW

Paddy Moran  c/o Office

Donie Enright c/o Derek Heverin

Next Draw will be in the Clubhouse on Monday 7th July

Would you like to reduce your Annual Sub?

Why not become a lotto promoter, you can help the club and at the same time enjoy a reduced annual subscription in 2015.

Ticketless Lotto sales is now an option if you have a 'Smart Phone'.  This allows you to sell Lotto tickets anywhere, anytime. The purchaser gets an instant text message and email informing them of their purchase and complete draw details. Why not call John or Lilian in the Office for full details.

It could be you !!

Open Week Sunday 29th June 2014 - STL Singles

Open week kicked off in perfect golfing conditions and the golf course in immaculate condition. Scoring was impressive with Eoin Considine taking first place with a brilliant 44 points.

In second place was John Cunningham with 43 points. Brian Lenihan won the best gross shooting level par. Third place was won by John Geoghan who had 42 points and a visitor from Charleville, Mark Dowling who played Ardagh for the first time had 41 points to take 4th. Eoin Brennan took 5th prize with an impressive 40 points.

Well done to all prize winners and we hope that everyone enjoys Open Week at Newcastle West Golf Club.

Upcoming Open Fixtures

Wednesday 2nd July

Ladies Open Team of 3 Champagne Scramble

Thursday 3rd July

Open Singles, Sponsored by Rusal Aughinish Ltd

Friday 4th July

Open Team of Three, Yellow Ball

Sponsored by M & K Interiors

Saturday 5th July

Team of Three

Thursday 10th July

Open Singles

Sunday 13th July

International Pairs Open Fourball

Fundraising Committee 2014



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