 Where everyone's a winner

Newcastle West Golf Club (NCWGC)

Draw Details for June 23 2014

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 7,000.00 0

The numbers drawn in this weeks Lotto were 13,15,23,30
Jackpot €6,800
No Winner

Bonus Draw  €680
No Winner
Numbers drawn
Five players had 3 numbers this week, so maybe your lucky numbers will come up in the next draw. Thank you for supporting the Lotto and the best of luck in next week's draw.

Remember, if you’re not in you can’t win so ensure you never miss another draw by clicking the link below https://www.locallotto.ie/play.asp?Clb=1&LL_ID=246&PC=0  and select auto renew.

Congratulations to all this weeks winners and long time ticket seller Joe Lee.
Seller’s Prize €50
Joe Lee

Lucky Dips €40
Angela Sheehan c/o Lees
John Loughnane Snr
Kath Browne Mungret
Mary Kenneally Snr Askeaton
Eileen O’Donoghue NCW

Would you like to reduce your Annual Sub?
Why not become a lotto promoter, you can help the club and at the same time enjoy a reduced annual subscription in 2015.

Ticketless Lotto Sales is now an option if you have a 'Smart Phone'

Why not call John or Lilian in the Office for further details.


It could be you !!

Fundraising Committee 2014



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