There was no winner of club lotto dated June 4th Numbers drawn 3, 16, 19, 27 Bonus 1 Next week's top prize will be €16, 400 (June 11th) Play Now at Thank you for your continued support
Promotors draw 1. Breda c/o Ml Dreeling 2. Seanie Browne c/o Damien O'Connell 3. Fan Larkin c/o Ml Nolan 4. Tom O'Shea c/o E Cleere 5. Ber Maher c/o E Maher 6. Martin Wall c/o Ml Nolan 7. Kevin Cleere 8. Ita Bolger c/o Online 9. Nicky Preston c/o P Cleere 10. Niamh Carroll c/o Online