Our lotto draw took place on Monday 22nd January in McPartlands, Clondra for a jackpot of €4,460. Numbers drawn were 10, 13, 27, 29.
As there was no outright jackpot winner the following four cash prizes were drawn
€40.00 Fla and Niamh
€20.00 Darragh, Fionn & Aoibh McCrann
€20.00 Andrew Farrell
€20.00 Declan Shanley
Congratulations to the above winners. Our next lotto draw will take place in The Chestnut Tree, Killashee on Tomorrrow St Brigids Bank Holiday tonight 5th February for a jackpot €4,520.
You can play online by visiting play.clubforce.com and choose Killashee St. Brigid's. €44.00 for 26 draws, €25.00 for 12 draws, €10.00 for 6 draws or €5.00 will get u 3 lines.
Tickets can also be purchased in McPartlands Clondra, The Chestnut Tree Killashee, LF Engineering Clondra or from any committee member.
Registration and membership is now due for 2024 for all players and members. Registration can be paid to our Registrar Liam Farrell or online by visiting Foireann.ie or by visiting Clubforce.
Registration Fees are as follows:
Adult Player Membership
Student Player Membership €30.00
Adult Non Playing Membership €30.00.
With our new club house and state of the art facilities we look forward to welcoming new members.
We hold our annual canal walk in honour of St. Brigid on Monday (Bank Holiday) 5th February.
Walk will commence at 11am from Clondra along the canal and finishing at our clubhouse where refreshments will be provided.
Anyone who is not participating in the walk is still very welcome to join us for refreshments.
This is a free event for every one to enjoy in honour of this great saint that our club is proudly named after.
Our scrap metal collection is ongoing and all your household and farmyard unwanted metal items can be dropped off at Liam Farrell’s workshop Monday to Friday 9 pm to 6pm. Collection can also be arranged. You can contact Liam on 086 1632842 to arrange collection or call if in doubt what items are acceptable.
All funds raised goes towards the running of the club.