Our lotto draw took place on Sunday 25th June for a jackpot of €3,560. Numbers drawn were 10, 13, 20, 29 As there was no outright jackpot winner the following four cash prizes were drawn €40.00 Dorothy Boylan €20.00 Brooks Dooner €20.00 Bobby Neary €20.00 Seamus Murtagh Congratulations to the above winners. Our next lotto draw will take place on Sunday 9th July for a jackpot of €3,620. You can play online by visiting play.clubforce.com and choose Killashee St. Brigid's. €44.00 for 26 draws, €20.00 for 12 draws, €10.00 for 6 draws or €5.00 will get u 3 lines. Tickets can also be purchased in McPartlands Clondra, The Chestnut Tree Killashee, LF Engineering Clondra or from any committee member. STAY IN TO WIN