Our lotto draw took place on Sunday 4th September for a jackpot of €2,300. Numbers drawn were 14, 22, 28, 30. As there was no outright jackpot winner the following four cash prizes were drawn €40.00 Virginia Fetherstone €20.00 Esther Casey €20.00 Joe O Brien €20.00 Michael Skelly Congratulations to the above winners. Our next lotto draw will take place on Sunday 18th September for a jackpot €2,300. You can play online by visiting play.clubforce.com and choose Killashee St. Brigid's. €44.00 for 26 draws, €20.00 for 12 draws, €10.00 for 6 draws or €5.00 will get u 3 lines. Stay in to win.
The club would like to congratulate all students in the parish who received their Leaving Certificate results last Friday and we wish them every good luck for the future.