Our lotto draw took place on Sunday 6th February for a whooping jackpot of €15,000. Numbers drawn were 6, 9, 16, 21 As there was no outright jackpot winner the following four cash prizes were drawn. €40.00 John Saunders €20.00 P. Cremer €20.00 Anne Evans €20.00 David Buckley Congratulations to the above winners. Our next lotto draw will take place on Sunday 20th February for a whooping jackpot of €15,000. You can play online by visiting play.clubforce.com and choose Killashee St. Brigid's GAA. For €44.00 you are entered into 26 draws (yearly), €20.00 will get you entered into 12 draws, €10.00 will get u entered into 6 draws or €5.00 will get you 3 lines in one draw. Stay in to win.
Registration for 2022 is now available online by visiting Clubforce or can be paid to our registrar Liam Farrell.
We would like to wish the 3 people left in our Last Man Standing competition the best of luck in the next round which will be played on 8th/9th/10th February. 2 people are on Crystal Palace and 1 on West Ham. Who knows but we may have a winner after this round.
We are holding our dinner dance on Friday 18th March in the Longford Arms Hotel. This will be a night for the people of the parish to celebrate one of the most successful years in the clubs history. More details to follow in the coming weeks.