 Where everyone's a winner

Corofin GAA Club

Draw Details for December 16 2013

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 6,950.00 0
Match 3
Match 3 numbers for a gauranteed prize of €30    
€ 30.00 1

Our lotto jackpot has reached €7,100. There was no winner of the jackpot and one match 3s, Gabriel Roche. The numbers drawn this week were: 11, 14, 22, 32. Next week’s draw is being held in the Palm Tree.

Why not join Corofin GAA Club and get our new membership card and avail of club discounts in various stores. Contact any committee member for details of adult membership and youth membership.
An early reminder that our club social has been fixed for the Claregalway Hotel on Saturday 8 February 2014. We will have more details in the new year.
Have you considered giving a Christmas gift of a subscription to our lotto and give someone a chance of winning or sharing in the lotto jackpot of €7,100? Simply click on “Play Online Now” on the club website – corofingaa.ie and follow the simple steps to “Buy for a Friend”. All support is welcome.
As the year draws to a close the club would like to extend a special ‘thank you’ to all who supported us in any way throughout the year. Thanks also to all who worked in the background on the executive and other committeees, the managers of the numerous teams and all the players from under six to adult.
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year – Le gach dea ghuí i gcóir na Nollag agus na hAth bliana.

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