CLG Chill Chartha (Kilcar GAA)
Draw Details for December 31 2023
Prize |
Value |
Winners |
Jackpot Match 4 numbers to win/share. |
€ 10,000.00 |
0 |

Cranchur an chlub “Lotto” - Beidh €10,000 i bpota Óir an tseachtain seo chugainn. Is iad na huimhreacha ‘Lotto’ an tseachtain seo ná: 1, 5, 12 agus 13. Buaiteoirí eile: €50 Thomas & Helen Hegarty, Ballymacfadden €30 Fiona McGinley, Umuskin €20 Aoife Campbell, Kilcar agus Noel Kennedy, Towney. Bí páirteach sa chrannchur an chlub, is féidir leat bhur n-uimhreacha a cheannach ag ár seastán i Centra, Cill Chartha nó tá tú ábalta iad a cheannach ar líne roimh 6pm gach Dé Domhnaigh ag an nasc seo: Entries can be purchased at our stand in Centra, locally or online before 6pm each Sunday at this link Bingo Ar Líne / Online Bingo – Jackpot €2,600 Online bingo this Sunday evening at 7pm with €1,400 in prizes and the jackpot is €2,600, books can be purchased via our website at where you can also find out all the information you need and the deadline is 12 noon Friday for online orders or you can order printed copies via our stand at Centra, Cill Chartha the deadline is 12 noon Thursday, if you require help with the printed books you can contact Michelle on 087-7486926.