 Where everyone's a winner

Doon GAA Club

Draw Details for March 10 2025

Lotto Numbers Drawn


Prize Value Winners
Match 4 numbers to win/share.    
€ 2,000.00 0
Match 3 Numbers      € 2.73 11

Lotto Numbers Monday, March 10th 2025

Lotto Tickets can be purchased in Doon at Lenihan’s Centra & Damien Richardson Butchers.

Cut Off time for Online Sales is 8pm every Monday.

Jackpot €2,000

Numbers Drawn 5-8-11-23.

Eleven Match 3 @ €30 each

1. John Cummins, Carrigmore (Online).

2. Tim Crowe, Carrigmore (Online).

3. Linda Ryan, Farranfore (Online).

4. Cathal Berkery, Dublin (Online).

5. Derek Ryan, Cliggin.

6. Katie Simon, Doon.

7. Majella Armshaw, Cappawhite.

8. Adele Hanevy, Lisowen.

9. Jim Ryan (B), Hillview Grove.

10. Mike Nolan, Doon.

11. Rose Loughman c/o L.Ryan, Doon.

10 Lucky Dips at €20 each

1. Ava, Luke & Tony, Cooga.

2. Jackie & Aoife Thompson c/o Martin Crowe.

3. Joe Quealy, Main St. Doon.

4. J.L.C.O. c/o Ollie Walsh.

5. Johnny Butler, Carrigbeg.

6. William Hennessey, Pallasgreen.

7. The Dublin Andersons c/o Donie (Online).

8. James Carr, Doon South (Online).

9. Patrick Cummins, Carrigmore (Online).

10. Maureen Cummins, Doon (Online).

Promoters Prize, €25: James O'Brien.

You can play our Club Lotto online here:

Next week's Jackpot €2,200. Draw will be held in Clubhouse on Monday, March 17th 2025.

Please Note

The prize amounts above are what each winner will receive.

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