Naomh Mairtin Club Development Lotto weekly draw took place on Wednesday 19th February 2020 in the Clubrooms, with the Jackpot Prize of €14,600 NOT WON as there were no entries that matched 4 numbers between 1-32 on the night.
The Match 3 Prize of €150 was also NOT WON & carries forward to next weeks draw + rather than Cash Prizes next week we will have 3 Louth Double House Draw tickets for the 1st 3 * Match 3 entries.
Next draw will be held in the clubrooms on Wednesday 26th February 2020. You can follow the draw live on Facebook.
Thank you for your continued support.
Draw results will be published online on our Website www.naomhmairtin.comand through our Club's Social Media platforms as well as DI Club Notes section.
Click the link below to play Naomh Mairtin online Lotto any time, any place, anywhere and share it with your friends and family 🔵⚪️