Kilmurry iBrickane GAA Club
Draw Details for March 4 2013
Prize |
Value |
Winners |
Jackpot Match 4 numbers to win/share. |
€ 5,800.00 |
0 |
The draw took place in McCarthy's. No Jackpot winners, Lucky dip winnwes>>> €100 ; Thomas Galvin ; Quilty. €20 ; Ellie, Kayla, Lexi. ; Caherush. €20 ; Bridie Kelleher ; Quilty. €20 ; Gerard McMahon ; Church St. Miltown. €20 ; Donna & Sarah ; Quilty. €20 ; Claire Howard ; Ennis. Parish Ticket ; M.J.F.A.T. ; Mullagh Best of luck in our next draw.