Lotto draw took place on Sunday 1st December at Larkins pub Parteen for a jackpot of €10,800.Nos drawn were;12, 18,. 28,. 30.There was no overall winner.Lucky dip winners were:Bernie Morrissey Roo West Ardnacrusha,Rosemary Cooney Fitzhaven Limerick,John & Joan Garry Rathline Newmarket on Fergus,Liam Irwin c/o Larkins pub Parteen,Sinead Hanley Castlebank Ardnacrusha,Sheila Craughan c/o Craaughan Butchers.Next week's draw takes place on Sunday 8th December at Daggers Bar Blackwater Ardnacrusha for a Jackpot of €10,900.Thank you for your continued support.