Hello to All There was no Jackpot winner in last night's draw. Next week's draw is in the Vineyard on Thursday 20th June. The Jackpot remains at €15,000 with the reserve at €4,000. Our ten €30 lucky dip winners last night were Tom & the Gang c/o Myo's Niamh Hughes Ger Smyth John Cahill Alan Stapleton Ciarán Phelan Mairtín O Feinneadha Thomas Cummins John Keely Jim Daly Wonderful fun this week at the minileagues, building up to a big day on Saturday at our finals, these run through the afternoon starting at 1pm for the under 6s. Make sure to come to the parents social on Saturday from 8pm. Thank you to everyone who supports our Lotto and to our brilliant Lotto team for their hard work. Junior Championships start this Sunday, best of luck to our four teams as they start their campaign. Next Saturday 22nd is our "mid-summer's night almost" event, good music and good fun guaranteed. Keep up with all the St Brigids news on our website www.stbrigidsgaa.com