Hi all, There was no Lotto Jackpot winner last Thursday, next week's draw will be in Myo's on Friday June 7th. The jackpot remains €15,000 with the reserve moving up to €3,600. This week's lucky €30 winners were Peter Blessing Jim Griffiths Maureen Cronin Brendan Farrell Alben Dayao Vinny & Catherine Bernard Owens Daniel o'Callaghan Derek Clarke S. Kitt Thank you to everyone who supports our Lotto and to our great Lotto Committee. Well done to our Senior Ladies football team who top their group going into the Championship semi-final. Mini-leagues start on the 10th June, make sure to mark in the social evening after the finals into your diary, we would like everyone to come and to enjoy our minileagues, thank-you to Noel mcLoughlin and his team for their trojan work.