Hello everyone, There was no Lotto jackpot winner last Friday, next draw is this Thursday in The Roselawn Inn, the jackpot remains at €15,000 and the reserve is now €3,200. Congratulations to both of our Feile hurling teams who each reached the semi finals this weekend and well done to all of our hurling teams, a good weekend as all three won their Championship games. Summer has come- fine weather is one sign and the other is that the Ticket Book is on the go again, ticket book for the 1st June is behind the bar, closing on the 26th at 10pm. Our ten lucky €30 winners were Sinead & Lisa Roche Brendan Griffin Chris, Gertie, Patsy Eric Gannon Tony Johnson Arnie Lowe Carmel Foley Maureen Cronin Vincent Mulvanny Sam McKeever Thank you to everyone who supports our Lotto and to all of our Lotto committee.