Where everyone's a winner

Kilworth Celtic FC

Code of Conduct for Players of Kilworth Celtic

Code of Conduct for Players of Kilworth Celtic

  • Players should play according to the laws and spirit of the game
  • Players should respect your fellow players, bullying will not be tolerated
  • Players should be on time and be prepared for matches and training sessions
  • Players should display self-control in all situations. Never use foul or abusive language – before, during or after a game or training session
  • Players should train and play to the best of your ability, have a positive attitude, and encourage others to do the same
  • Players should respect the opposition. Treat them as you would like them to treat you
  • Players should respect the referee. Never dispute his or her decisions. They are only human and they make mistakes, just like you
  • Players should turn up for training and matches in appropriate and clean clothing
  • Players should wear the right appropriate footwear for the particular event i.e. Boot’s/Astro’s
  • Players should always wear shin guards
  • Shake hands before and after the match, whoever wins
  • Give opponents a hand if they are injured, put the ball out of play so they can get attention
  •  Accept apologies from opponents when they are offered
  • Respect fellow team members and support them both when they do well and when things go wrong
  • Treat players from minority groups with the same respect you show other people
  • Be modest in victory and be gracious in defeat- “Be A Sport”
  • Approach the club Children’s Officer with any questions or concerns they might have.
  • Clean your own boots/trainers!
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