Click here for details on available Old Belvedere RFC Dublin Horse Show Parking Registrations. 
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Old Belvedere RFC Dublin Horse Show Parking

Conditions of Booking 2024

Old Belvedere Rugby Football Club Dublin Horse Show 2024
Conditions of Booking 14-18 August 2024

Please read carefully ...

  1. A ticket is issued on the express condition that the holder complies with the regulations and orders of the Stewards and Attendants in charge of the Ground. In the event of the holder’s non-compliance, the ticket may be cancelled and the holder asked to remove his caravan/vehicle from the Ground.
  2. The Ground is in a residential area and many of the Show participants have a very early start each morning. Hence any persons causing undue noise, particularly at night, will be asked to remove their caravan/vehicle immediately without refund. This will be strictly enforced. Some generators may be deemed excessively noisy and must be switched off at the steward’s request.
  3. Because of noise and disturbance in the past, we have also prohibited the erection of any tents on the ground.
  4. No liability whatsoever shall attach to the O.B.R.F.C. or any of its servants or agents in relation to any loss, injury, damage or theft to any person, property, vehicle or thing or any consequential loss of any sort no matter how any such loss, theft, injury or damage is caused by any negligence or other wrong committed by the Club or any of its servants or agents.
  5. A ticket must be displayed on the caravan/vehicle at all times and is non-transferable. Similarly, Car Park tickets/Passes must be displayed at all times and are non-transferable. Caravan / vehicles without the appropriate ticket will not be admitted.
  6. The Ground will be open from 12.00 hrs. on Sunday 11th August until 12.00 hrs. on Monday 19th August. Caravan/vehicles remaining after this will be subject to a fine of €100 per day. The removal of hired caravans is the responsibility of ticket/pass holder.
  7. The gates of the Ground will be closed to vehicular traffic between the hours of 24.00 hrs and 05.00 hrs. Check in at the gate is closed between 20.00 hrs and 7.00 hrs unless the vehicle has been booked in advance.
  8. Pedestrian access to the RDS ground will be locked from 24.00 to 06.00 hrs.
  9. As these are sports grounds there has been a Public Health Order which states that NO DOGS, HORSES OR ANY OTHER ANIMALS ARE ALLOWED IN THE GROUNDS.
  10. Riding of Bicycles is not permitted on the Ground. Parents are asked to ensure that their children do not cause disturbance to other vehicle occupants.
  11. Occupants of caravans/vehicles are requested to assist in keeping the Ground tidy and clean and to place all litter in the bins provided.
  12. Under no circumstances can any vehicle be “mucked out” anywhere within the confines of the Ground.
  13. Gas Bar-B-Ques only. No Open Fires.
  14. L.P.G. cylinders must be fitted with correct hose clip and regulators and cylinders must be stored in the upright position outside the caravan.
  15. Occupants of the Ground are asked to respect the areas out of bounds and to co-operate with the Security Staff at all times.
  16. Caravans/trailers/others must be parked at the direction of the Club’s Staff and the Club reserves the right with no liability whatsoever, to relocate caravans/trailers/others if necessary.
  17. Gazebos and awnings will be permitted on a discretionary basis and for the appropriate fee. Any such addition, which is considered too big or an imposition, will be removed.
  18. No vehicle will be permitted to move freely within the ground. Vehicles must park in allocated parking space until final departure.

Old Belvedere Rugby Football Club Dublin Horse Show Parking 2024

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