Our Lady's Hockey Club

Our Lady's School Templeogue Road Terenure, Dublin

Our Lady's Hockey Club

Our Lady's Hockey Club

Our Lady's School Templeogue Road Terenure, Dublin


Our Lady's Hockey Club

Our Lady's School Templeogue Road Terenure ,
Dublin, Ireland.

Our Lady's Hockey Club

November 5 2021

Communication groups for Colts

Hi all,

Another update! All colts members will be added to a group by tomorrow for communications on training and matches sent straight to you via our new app. Within the group, you will not be able to see other members and will not receive responses from other parents. This will replace emails going forwards when we are looking for match availability and for training updates, particularly over the next month while the pitch in Our Lady's is being resurface. Please make sure you have your notifications turned on. 

If you are not added to a group by tomorrow Sat 6th or think that you have been added in error, please email treasurerolhc@gmail.com only

Thank you for your cooperation as we learn all about our new app and it's functionalities. We really hope that you will all find it helpful going forwards. Please email treasurerolhc@gmail.com with any queries in relation to Clubforce. 

Many thanks,




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