Back To Edenderry GAA Club
Edenderry GAA Club
Carrick Road, Edenderry, Offaly
Edenderry GAA Club
Edenderry GAA Club
Carrick Road, Edenderry, Offaly
Edenderry GAA Club
Carrick Road, Edenderry ,
Offaly, Ireland.
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Edenderry GAA Club
March 26 2021
Buy a lotto ticket for a friend
Do you know someone who played our Lotto when they could buy a paper ticket but they may not be comfortable with using the online system.
Did you know you can purchase the ticket for them, simply tick "I'm buying for a friend" and complete the purchase in 4 simple steps.
Whether its your Grandad who played for the Reds in the past, your Mam who bought her ticket at Bingo every week or your uncle living in some far flung corner of the world, help them to reconnect with their club and show their support.
Who knows the next Jackpot winner could be your "friend"