
Naomh Padraig Leifear CLG (Lifford GAA) Events joins Clubforce

We are delighted to announce that Naomh Padraig Leifear CLG (Lifford GAA) Events have decided to list their lottery tickets for sale using the Local Lotto Software and web site. Naomh Padraig Leifear CLG (Lifford GAA) Events will be live in approximately 2 weeks at the latest. Once this happens you will be able to support Naomh Padraig Leifear CLG (Lifford GAA) Events from anywhere in the world, bringing much needed funds directly to the club.

If you would like to be notified when the Lotto tickets become available online, please register by clicking here.

All the staff at Clubforce would like to thank Naomh Padraig Leifear CLG (Lifford GAA) Events for using our service and we look forward to working in partnership with them to fulfill their requirements and maximize their involvement with Clubforce.

You can visit the main website of Naomh Padraig Leifear CLG (Lifford GAA) Events at

If you have any questions about this partnership, please call +353 (0)91 506048 or e-mail us at

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