Where everyone's a winner

Newcastle Athletic Club

Newcastle AC Parents Code of Conduct

Parents are expected to: 

- Notify the club of any important changes to their child’s health, medication or needs.

- Complete and return the Health and Consent Form pertaining to their child's participation with Newcastle Athletics Club. There is a legal requirement for parental consent. 

- Deliver and collect the child punctually to and from training/coaching sessions. 

- Ensure their child is properly and adequately attired for the weather conditions of the time. Any junior who is not adequately attired will not be allowed to take part in training and a parent/guardian will be called to come and pick them up. 

- Disclose all relevant medical details in the form above. Any changes in the state of the child's health should be reported to the coach prior to coaching sessions. 

- Encourage their child to play by the rules and teach them that they can only do their best. 

- Show appreciation and support all coaches and volunteers. 

- Be realistic. Never place undue pressure on children to perform, participate or compete. 

- Provide their child with proper clothing and equipment. 

- Ensure their child’s hygiene and nutritional needs are met. 

- Acknowledge the importance and role of the club coaches who provide their time free to ensure children’s participation in the club. 

- Promote their child’s participation in playing sport for fun. 

- Encourage their children to compete at races. 

- Supervise their children at all times at races. 

- Arrange travel to races so their children can compete and arrive in good time for registration. 

- Ensure no unnecessary or valuable items are brought to training or competition. 

- Ensure up to date contact information is supplied to the club. 

- Keep up to date with all forms of communication from club coaches and officials. 

Any misdemeanours and breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by a Newcastle Athletics Club official. Persistent concerns or breaches will result in the parent/guardian being asked not to attend competitions if their attendance is detrimental to the child’s welfare.

The ultimate action should a parent/guardian continue to breach the code of behaviour may mean the Newcastle Athletics Club officials regrettably asking the child to leave the club.

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